Shadow Work

Almost all of our difficulties in life come from holding too narrow a perspective to meet and understand our reality.  Our capacity for shifting perspectives from a place of presence is at the core of healing, integration and growth. Shadow work is the process of investigating what is unknown to us in an intentional and conscious manner.

In Shadow work we encounter a dividing line where our nervous system was once overwhelmed, our sovereignty ruptured, and where we contracted into the protective mechanisms that eventually became aspects of our personality or interior structures. Tending to that threshold is what we aim for and will practice in our work together. It is at this frontier where narrative is unnecessary, where much can be gained by encountering and receiving the boundary itself.  What lies on the other side is the source of our wholeness, that mysterious and beautiful vitality that has been cut off  from inhabiting one’s life more fully.

Stepping into this crucible we also honor the systemic dimension of your disconnects. We appeal to your own inner voice to come forward and guide you back into “Right Relationship” with the authenticity and integrity of your being, your life and the living planet.

We have opportunities to open our perceptions in very powerful ways these days and the safe unraveling of some of our unconscious material is deeply healing. I have experience with different techniques to work with you and we can find together where to start and what your commitment wants to be.


“Trauma is frozen life force— in order to melt back into the river of life it needs the compassionate witnessing presence of the other. Can we find a place together where I can feel you feeling me feeling you?” Thomas Hubl